Middle East Islamic studies course? Waseda University Faculty of Letters

Islamic history and complexity of the situation in the Middle East ...

Middle East Islamic studies course? Waseda University Faculty of Letters The complexity of the Islamic history and the situation in the Middle East The complexity of the Islamic history and the situation in the Middle East Against chemical weapons use alleged by Syria, the United States Trump administration is warning attack fired a cruise missile onset. Deny the use Syrian side. US attacks in no UN resolution has brought a new unstable factors in the international community. Syria problems during the presidential election, speaking independent of the United States, Trump president the United States to Syria problem is negative in applying the cost. While domestic affairs is confusion, we pray that it is not all ages of conventional means of diverted to diplomacy the interest of public opinion. . Faith and precepts Judaism, Christianity, Islam, and faith the same God. Not known to the surprising, but they do share the roots. Islam is a monotheistic religion that was born after Judaism and Christianity, discharge the idol worship, respecting the service of God, that respect for mutual assistance and unity of believers is characteristic.

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