Middle East Islamic studies course? Waseda University Faculty of Letters

Turkey holds the key to the situation in the Middle East, Egypt, ...

Middle East Islamic studies course? Waseda University Faculty of Letters Turkey holds the key to the situation in the Middle East, Egypt, Iran powers consciousness - Ito transmural of Worldwatch International politics can not escape from the balance-of-power (balance of power). American Taicho, the rise of China, North Korea's nuclear armament. A position that has been placed in Japan is certainly adversely inclined. Japan is in order to create the initiative in the power balance, what to Yomitoke the international situation. Turkey holds the key to the situation in the Middle East, Egypt, Iran powers consciousness What happens when analyzed from a historical point of view the situation in the Middle East, such as Syria civil war and Iran nuclear development problem? Iran, Egypt, Turkey is the powerhouse of the Middle East. I am a long period of time, I've been observing the Middle East policy of the United States, recently, it has unfortunately been unable to predict the relationship between these powers and the United States. These countries has been to build a large empire that has its own culture from 00 to 000 years ago.

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